Shamanic Soul Immersion
A one-on-one experiential journey through the Shamanic Maps for healing, growth, and evolution of the Medicine Wheel. This immersive experience offers powerful practices to heal your past, release limitations and awaken to a life of clarity, purpose, and heart centered authenticity
Private Retreats & Intensives
Private Healing Intensives and Retreats
In the Land of Enchantment
Taos, NM
Online Mini Courses,
Programming and Workshops

Change Your Life's Program
The ancient shamanic traditions describe an energy field that surrounds the human body. It is within this field that the memories of our genetics, karma and life experiences are stored.
By clearing these subtle memories or imprints, we can change the programs that propel our life in less desirable directions.

Heal From the Source of Your Wound
Shamanic Healing brings the focus back to the source of the wound; the circumstances that created the imprint to be programmed in your personal software to begin with.
These heavier imprints when left unhealed or incomplete are what derail even your best intentions.

Shift Without Retelling Your Story
Innately you know that talking about it isn’t helping. Shamanic Healing takes you beyond the story.

Change What Is Possible In Your Life
It is said when you change the way you see the world, the world around you changes.
By working at the level of the energetic programs that direct and inform your life, you clear the limited perceptions and align at the deepest vibrational levels with the life you have always known is possible.
About Me


Shamanic Soul Immersion
Gain an understanding of the Energy Field that surrounds and informs the body. Be empowered to cleanse and clear your own chakras and learn how to reset your body’s stress response in order to find deep rest and relaxation for sustainable and lasting change.
Learn how to create powerful ceremonies and rituals to move beyond the blockages and challenges in your life. Receive the Rites of Passage of the Munay-Ki to support the upgrade of your energy field to the vibration of your most Essential frequency.
Learn how to unravel the programs of the stories and wounds from your past without having to relive or even tell the stories from a place of words! Clear the imprints in your energetic blueprint that keep attracting unhealthy and undesirable outcomes and patterns in your life.
Learn traditional Shamanic Healing Protocols including herbal and flower Limpia, ‘Egg’straction, Candlework, Homeopathic Plant Medicine and more. Receive individualized Shamanic Healing work and be empowered with Shamanic Energy Medicine processes to work within your human energy field and scour the way the denser memories are stored to upgrade your operating system and energetic programs.
Experience the processes that allow you to safely face even the most challenging aspects of your life. Journey to release the ancestral patterns that have been passed down through your DNA and release the unconscious memories from previous lifetimes. Explore the patterns and beliefs that keep you from living the life you know in your heart is possible.
The greatest gift the Shaman brings is to ‘learn the way to death and back again’. In our work we will create the space to die to what has been in order to be fully available for your life. Through metaphorical death-work you will be set free to move forward with courage and peace, expanding the field for what is possible in your life.
Reclaim your lost passion and remember the purpose you came to fulfill in this lifetime. Journey through the Shamanic Maps outside time and space for Soul and Destiny Retrieval and execute a new contract that is aligned with your heart’s deepest truth.
Learn how to look at any situation through the Shaman’s eyes to shift your perception beyond the literal story. Learn how to use the Shamanic Processes to transcend any issues that you might face moving forward. Energetically clear the unfinished business of your life so you are truly free to create the life you’ve always known is possible.
Write a new story for who you will become. By changing your story, you can change your life! Once you embody the Shamanic Maps for awakening and the expansion of your consciousness, you will be able to live centered and grounded in your truth. From here, you become a powerful creator who dreams the world into being and source from the place of possibility instead of probability.
“One of the best things I’ve ever done for myself!”
“The single most potent healing work I’ve ever done in a lifetime of living in the healing world has been with you. I can’t thank you enough.”
“Thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have more courage and strength than I have ever had before and am more calm and grounded in a way I have not felt in my entire life.”
Isn’t it time you answered the call and reconnected with your heart’s true purpose?
The Shamanic Healing Immersion provides you with unparalleled tools and maps to simply and effectively step into your power and wisdom to become a conscious co-creator of your life.
Shamanism offers hope and empowerment for the times we are living,
and maps and tools to navigate your way to lasting and meaningful change.
Discover the path that is best for you.
All Rights Reserved @By His Grace Unlimited, LLC

shamanic wisdom offers hope and empowerment for the times we are living
Are You Ready To Discover How Powerful You Really Are?
The Shamanic Soul Immersion provides you with the maps, tools and healing to deeply align with your most essential self, and processes to ground and sustainably anchor all you are meant to do and be, here on earth at this time, in service to all of life. The work will be the foundation to transform all that is in the way to clearly and confidently move forward and align at the deepest programming levels with your Soul’s calling. Specifically, you will:
- Heal the wounds to clear the patterns that no longer serve you
- Reset your mental and emotional conditioning to live courageously, centered and calm with intention
- Learn to manage your energetic program to maximize the expression of your strengths and gifts
- Gain and cultivate skills to align your thoughts, desires and actions with your highest values and visions
Let’s visit to see if the Shamanic Soul Immersion is the right path for you…
For nearly two decades, I have immersed myself in the wisdom teachings, mentored in the healing practices, and have been initiated into the ceremonial traditions of the High Priests, Shamans, and Medicine Men and Women of Peru. With this ancient yet relevant body of wisdom, I support my clients and students to reset their mental, emotional, and energetic programs, and heal the wounding and conditioning that keeps them from moving forward to align vibrationally with the life they were born to live.
When I first began my journey on the path of self-discovery in the mid 1990’s, I couldn’t even hear my own voice, was disconnected from my body, my desires, and so much of what brings joy, peace and happiness in life. Though many practices helped me cope, it was the Shamanic Path that truly shifted my world in the most profound and lasting ways.
Shamanic wisdom supported me to reconnect to my purpose and has given me the tools, vision and strength to see my way through the wounds, insecurities and limiting beliefs that kept me from sharing what I was meant to. Shamanism offers unparalleled maps for us all to reclaim our sovereignty to become conscious creators of our lives, and active visionaries of a new story for our world through these uncertain times.
I found this work to be so empowering and transformative, that soon after the completion of my practitioner training program with the Four Winds Society, I became a staff member of the Light Body School and assistant to founder Alberto Villoldo, PhD. From 2010 to 2017, I had the honor to also share the ancient wisdom, through Introductory Shamanism classes with The University of Utah’s Lifelong Learning students. Both roles have enabled me to translate this body of wisdom in a way that is relevant, easy to digest and supported by science, psychology and functional medicine.
Though Shamanism may seem foreign, irrelevant and maybe even intimidating to some in today’s world, my soul knew this wisdom – and yours does too. For those of us who came to this life knowing we are here to make a difference, it speaks to us in ways our conditioning has not. It is as close to a magic pill as I have found personally; it awakens us to improbable yet unlimited potential, collectively.
It is my life’s work to pass on these wisdom teachings, to support you to reconnect to your truth, and awaken to the full expression of the gifts you came to share – regardless of your path.
The offerings on this website and on the Shamanic Soul Path App are my way of sharing this integral wisdom in the world. I humbly hope to have the chance to share it with you.
Change Your Life’s Program
The ancient shamanic traditions describe an energy field that surrounds the human body. It is within this field that the memories of our genetics, karma, and life experiences are stored. By clearing these subtle memories or imprints, we can change the programs that propel our life in less desirable directions.
Whether you are aware of it or not, this field holds onto your heavy experiences like etchings in a cassette tape on record. These etchings work like iron fillings to a magnet to orchestrate the people, events and circumstances of your life. What’s more, like dust accumulated on a lamp shade, these imprints cloud your perspective, distort your perception, and keep you from living your true light. Until these imprints are cleared, they will attract similar circumstances into your life in less than desirable ways.
By working at this programming level of the human energy field, you can change the way these imprints are programmed, to find deep and lasting healing and align you more deeply with your true self.
Heal From The Source of The Wound
Shamanic healing brings the focus back to the source of the wound; the circumstances that created the imprint to be programmed in your personal software to begin with. These heavier imprints, when left unhealed or incomplete, are what derail even your best intentions.
While many modalities work to shift the way present day issues are impacting your life, Shamanic healing brings to focus back to the source of the wound; the circumstances that created the imprint that has been installed into your personal software.
Rather than processing and analyzing why you are the way you are, Shamanic Energy Medicine simply and effectively releases the way the memory is stored within you. Just like debugging your computer and upgrading the software, your life’s program is upgraded to no longer replay the pattern. This changes the way the world organizes around you to support you to walk through your life with greater freedom and alignment with your healed expression – the gift you came to this lifetime to share during this great time of change.
Shift Without Retelling The Story
If you are like most people, you are sick and tired of retelling your story, recounting or even speaking about the details of the wounding and trauma you have experienced. Innately you know that talking about it isn’t helping. Shamanic healing works to shift you from beyond your story.
From the Shamanic perspective retelling your story only deepens the memory of it in your energetic program. While these wounds, stories and patterns seems difficult – even impossible to break from an emotional or psychological perspective, when you work from the level of the Human Energy Field to debug your energetic program, you simply need to bring forward the energy of the emotion that is behind the story to release it.
Just like you can wipe clean your computer’s hard drive and install a completely new operating system, through the Shamanic intervention processes you are able to debug and upgrade the operating system that is informing your life. It is truly that simple and remarkably effective; you just have to eliminate the stored feeling that didn’t fully process at the time of wounding.
Change What is Possible in Your Life
It is said when you change the way you see the world, the world around you changes. By working at the level of energetic programs that direct and inform your life, you clear the limited perceptions and align at the deepest vibrational levels with the life you have always known is possible.
When you look through the eyes of your wounding, even if the present situation is different, you will likely see it through the lenses of your past and your perception of reality is distorted by it. You will literally see the situation as you are, not as it is!
What’s more, the imprint will also limit your beliefs for what is possible in your life. This is because when you look through the lenses of your wounding, you see only the potential for the same result. This keeps you from going in a new direction because your consciousness is telling you that you are only capable of the same old outcome regardless of what the reality could be.
By scouring and releasing the energetic imprints, you are not only able to break free of the old patterns but you uncover the purest frequency and truth that is already with you! You already have everything you need to live the life you know in your heart is possible. The more you align with this frequency, the more the world around you will align vibrationally with you!