Shamanic Candle Work


A Diagnostic and Core Clearing Process

Shamanic Candle Clearing and Reading is a key diagnostic technique dating back to Pre-Incan times used to clear dense energies that have penetrated your energetic programming. The process was first introduced to me by The Twin Shamans for use in healing sessions and ancestral clearing work; however, many different variations of the practice are found throughout MesoAmerica. The process below is a hybrid of the techniques taught by The Twins, as well as Q’ero Elder, don Mariano Quispe, with the Candle Reading “Divination” process as shared by Itzhak Beery of the Shaman Portal.

Candle Work Process Overview

The Candle Clearing process is both a diagnostic and clearing tool. You will utilize the candle with your breath to release the energy behind the issue you are working on, as a vacuum to pull out the stuck, dense energy from your body and like a spinning wheel spindle to unravel the restriction that the issue is causing in your energy field. Once complete, you will light the candle and allow the flame to transform the energy that was cleared utilizing the candle gaze to “read” the properties of the burning candle and to “track” the energy of what was removed.

Traditionally, Shamans will divinate and read the candle by assessing the size, shape, and color of the flame, as well as the shape, position, texture of the wick and condition of the wax. Below are some basic interpretations, but please use your intuition first and foremost and do not get caught up needing to understand or make a big story around what came out. What is most important is that you know that something was removed! As The Twins would say, “Clean, clean, clean! Happy, happy, happy!” and move on

Step by Step Instructions

  • Use 4 or 5 inch white beeswax or paraffin taper, emergency, or Sabbath candles.
  • Open Sacred Space and your 8th Chakra.
  • Set your intention for what you will work on or the issue you want to clear.
  • Use your breath to blow the energy of your intention into the unlit candle three times . Continue to feel more deeply into the issue, blow all the stories and emotions related to it, as well as any unexpressed words, feelings, suppressed energy, or related stories left behind from whatever you are releasing into the candle.
  • Tune into how the issue might restrict you and use the candle to unwind the restriction and how it binds and separates you from your energy field. Visualize it as if it were a loose thread on a handknit sweater and unravel the thread, wrapping it energetically around the candle like a spinning wheel spindle.
  • Use the candle to “sweep” down all sides of your body, beginning at your head, move down all sides including your skull, face, ears, neck and throat. Continue sweeping down the shoulders, left and right arms, hands, heart area and torso, upper and lower back, both legs (front, back and sides as well as top and bottom of feet. Imagine vacuuming out any stagnant or dense energy in the areas that feel like they are holding energy around the issue or problem you are working on. You can also use the side of the candle like a knife to cut any cords or unhealthy connections related to the issue.
  • Use Palo Santo or sage to seal your field or simply use your hands to smooth out the field once the work is completed. If you have Florida Water, holy or sanctified water, or homeopathic plant medicine water such as San Pedro Water or the like, you may also pour the liquid into your hands, rub them together, clap three times and wipe down the length of your body. Work from the shoulders down, sending the energy and connecting you into the belly of the earth. Repeat the process except swipe upwards from the shoulders up, releasing the energy and connecting your energy to the heavens.
  • Once you feel complete, offer a prayer for the release of all that was and give thanks for the fires of transformation. Light the candle and burn it completely. Trust that what was energy has been transformed into light and released to Spirit. Take some time at the beginning of the burning process to gaze into the flame and see what intuitively comes to you. The below chart offers some classic interpretations to support you but above all trust what comes to you as you gaze into the flame.